Customer Reviews

Here's what customers are saying about their experience with SousVide Supreme. 

From boring to exciting

I absolutely love my SousVide. I use it almost every day. It turns chicken breasts from boring to exciting. It also enables me to prepare dinners in advance thus saving time on hectic days.

Chrys Varnes 
Huntington Beach, CA


Quick and easy with delicious results

Love, love, love the product! Use it all the time; so easy to fill-it and forget-it and final finishing is quick and easy with delicious results.

Melody J 
Kailua Kona, HI



Better than your imagination

I ate what is without any doubt or reservation the finest piece of meat I have ever tasted on my first time out. I am talking better than any Morton's or Ruth's, better than anything I have ever cooked on my grill, better than I could imagine a piece of beef could taste and I have a great imagination.”

Tom Watts 

Flavors permeate through

I just used my SousVide Supreme for the first time and used it to make chicken thighs for Chicken Cacciatore. The sous vide chicken was really excellent - it tasted more "chicken-y" , the texture was moist and fork tender but not soggy and falling apart like slow cooking methods, the flavors of the spices permeated throughout the meat not just remaining on the outside.

K. DeCicco,  
Auburn, CA

Turn inexpensive cuts into filet mignon

You're able to take inexpensive cuts of meat and turn it into something better than filet mignon.

Vanessa Volkman

Use it regularly

I love my SousVide Supreme and use it weekly.

Nathan W. 



Transforms chicken

It was chicken unlike we had tasted ever was that good.

Steve Wilcox

Wow your friends

I've seriously been using this machine non-stop since the night I received it. I keep inviting my friends over to try the different foods and the consensus is that everything has been amazing. Just last night, a friend came over and declared the steak to be "butter" and the carrots as "candy".

S. Kong 



Customer service excellence

This is amazing! I don’t think I have ever had this level of customer service. Thank you so much!



Greatest gift ever

The SousVide Supreme has made me excited about dinner again. Arguably the greatest gift ever.

John K. 
Dallas, TX



No one is ever disappointed

It’s definitely a great tool – for families, for adults and for entertaining as well...It’s quick and easy to use, and no one is ever disappointed with the results.

Sue Wilcox

Great for entertaining

I do alot of entertaining...and this way I have more time to spend with family and friends.  I just had to take it out of the SousVide Supreme and brown it, and it was amazingly tender.

Sherry Hansen


Amazing tenderness and texture

I have cooked melt-in-your mouth spareribs in various ways with success - but nothing matches the amazing tenderness and texture when they're cooked sous vide!

J Dainton 
Duncan, BC, Canada


Unbelievable convenience

Love my SousVide Supreme.  It turned out to be an unbelievable convenience in food preparation.

Geoffrey C. Sonntag 
Dallas, TX


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